Hello everyone!
For the first time in the four-year existence of the Good Guy blog, I somehow feel the need to react on the occasion of Prague Pride Week, which is a kind of imaginary peak of the LGBTQ+ season. And unusually, it won't be a thematically tuned story about how two people met in a parade and then did it in the bushes at Letná, but a short reflection.
Or would you prefer that story? Let me know in the comments 🙂
Two or three days ago, I had the thought that I wanted to write something for Pride Week, and I kept trying to figure out what exactly, since it wasn't supposed to be a story.
"People aren't interested in some chatter, they want sex in your stories," often rang in my ears.
So I dare to ignore my slightly unstable self-confidence and tell you anyway.
I wanted to find an answer to the question of what we should be proud of when we have Pride Week. And then, in an unguarded moment, it occurred to me that we should be proud of our orgasm.
We all usually have it, regardless of the letter or plus in the LGBTQ+ acronym.
And we like having it! It's always pleasant, kind, and soothing. We feel relaxed afterward. We're in a good mood then and encounter something bigger, something that transcends us. It's a touch of something divine.
Orgasm is available to everyone, and we can enjoy it even without the help of others. It's usually free. Isn't this absolute luxury?!
On the other hand, can everyone really enjoy it? Isn't it often just "quickly relieving oneself" or "getting it over with"? Something on the level of routine hygiene like brushing teeth? Don't we often treat it without proper respect? Isn't it taken for granted too much?
On this occasion, I want to call on you to specially focus on experiencing your orgasm this week and to indulge in it much more and more often than you're used to. To give it enough attention, knowing what beautiful and fulfilling moments it provides you.
Experience it loudly and with proper dedication; there's nothing more terrifying than a silent orgasm. Don't be ashamed and sigh properly! Do it in a nice environment, whether alone or with someone else. Give yourself enough time.
It would be a huge shame not to use the enormous emotional potential of orgasm and reduce it to just a mechanical ejection of genetic material. Be proud of your orgasm! It's one of the sweetest and most accessible rewards you have available in life.
Your Adam Šindler wishes you a week full of orgasms.