Good GuyAug 11Be proud of your orgasm!Orgasm is available to everyone, and we can enjoy it even without the help of others. It's usually free. Isn't this absolute luxury?!
Good GuyFeb 4Tom's life: Fucking in the gymHe had two cock rings on his balls and around his entire cock, so he was pretty veiny, that's how I like it.
Good GuyJan 7Adam Šindler: On the rocksHe takes off his swimsuit and wring it. Our eyes now point in only one direction, to one specific place.
Good GuyJan 6Adam Šindler: CastellanHe starts playing with it and it's a ride. He didn't score much with history, but he knows how to stand up to the dick.
Good GuyJan 4Adam Šindler: Shut up!What the hell?! Blow job in the fitting room? In broad daylight? During operation? Oh dude!